Some cool choices
Since his birth in 1939, Batman has had quite a few different styles of badge/logo. And to be fair they have all looked pretty neat, apart from the one that looks like a TIE Fighter (right side, one from bottom in above pic). The designs have all been different whilst managing not to stray too far from the original. Even the Bacardi type bat is nice.
However my favourite is the one that was used for the 1960's television series starring Adam West & Burt Ward as the Dynamic Duo. For me it looks perfect; I love the chunky, 'batty' style of the lettering and the way the Batman's head is sunk into the wings. It looks both retro and modern at the same time.
My winner
And since I decided to call this post 'Retro Batman', I thought I might drop some cool trivia in about the 60's tv series.
Green Hornet & Kato teamed up with Batman & Robin in two episodes, 'A Piece Of The Action' and 'Batman's Satisfaction' to take on Colonel Gumm.
Van Williams played the Green Hornet and Kato was famously played by none other than the legendary Bruce Lee.
Cast yer peepers to the photograph below. Awesome!
Kato, Green Hornet, Batman & Robin