Thursday, 16 February 2012

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein


I got hold of this on monday; Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son, vol. 2 which made me happy because I love the novels. Nice it is too, with artwork keeping with the menacing theme and some characters even drawn uncannily like how I imagined them in my minds eye when I was reading the books. Added coolness!
This isn't the full book but a decent bite sized chunk out of it and I personally think comics work better this way. Its how they were originally intended, giving readers weekly stories/episodes.
In here then we have the two detectives, Carson & Michael, getting help from Deucalion, Randall Six continuing his escape from the Helios' Hands of Mercy, and officer Harker revealing his plan to 'give birth' to growth on his body.


And the next one on my rader is Frankenstein vs Angel, a two part comic where Angelus (of the Buffy fame) claims to be a distant relative to Frankenstein and stakes (no pun intended vamp fans) a claim to the Frankenstein fortunes as long lost heir. The Creature has something to say about that so the vampire better bring his A game to this scrap.
