Beware, Assassin!
Publisher Archaia, writer Matz, art by Luc Jacmon.
The Killer first appeared in 2006 (print version) and was released digitally in 2011. Its originally a French comic that Casterman published in eleven 'albums'. Thankfully, Archaia Studios came along and translated the lot into English and made two fine graphic novels out of them. (I love the French titles of the original albums though, there is something really arty and bohemian about them. "Le Commun des Mortels." Ace.)
I recently discovered "The Killer" whilst perusing the fabulous ComiXology App on my Nexus, and you should check it out too if you fancy a decent read that will nip at your morals and have you questioning if the shady world of murder-at-a-price can be wrong in some cases. There are some major sleazebags out there remember, most of them quite deserving of a bullet between the eyeballs.
The first issue, Long Fire: Part 1, is free, and after that cost a mere £1.31 each which is a steal for such a solid, stylish series.
Like all good assassins, the antihero here is unnamed. A cold, solitary killer without scruples who lives in the shadows. Think "Leon", he was French too. But there is trouble in (dark) paradise because the longer he lives in this dark world, living for the next target, the more he thinks he is going bonkers. His moral compass is all over the shop which can be tricky when you happen to be a professional hitman.
This series has me gripped and I look forward to every new installment like a vampire looking for its next plump vein.
And for movie fans, The Killer is being made into a film by Paramount Pictures which will be directed by David Fincher. It could be very good too, but this is Hollywood so I won't hold my breath.