"The Grievous Journey of Ichabod Azrael (and the dead left in his wake)" is a 2000 AD supernatural western story written by Rob Williams with art by Dom Reardon.
This is part of the intro to the story:
I wish I could tell you that Ichabod's father was taken to drink or discipline by belt and fist. That life immediately treated the boy as it would a loathed enemy. But the way I heard it, his upbringing was a hard but normal one for the age.
I guess some people are just born mean.
Stories vary over when Ichabod first drew the blood of another. I even heard a song one night by a campfire that told how his 'baptism' saw him facing down twenty rifle-packing men on horseback armed with only one pistol.
The next day Ichabod owned twenty new horses....or so the song went.
I love this, there is a real gritty wild west groove going on here.
Truly stunning artwork