Thor: he's a tad mighty
I finally went out and bought Thor last friday, being as Hollywood seem to be getting the superhero films right these days. Batman, The X Men, Iron Man have all been pretty decent stabs at bringing the comic world to the silver screen (I even like both Hulks despite what critics say) and after seeing the trailer to Thor, I was expecting good things from it. (You know theres a 'but' coming right?) Buuuut, I was let down. I wanted Thor to be a great movie, I wanted it to be as cool as Iron Man yet on the two occasions ive put the disc in and pressed PLAY I have not been able to get to the end. And yes I do have a sad face because like I say, I WANT Thor to rock! He's a bloody great character and has appeared in some fantastic storylines in his 50 years of being. The guy deserves a cool movie but in my opinion, director Kenneth Branagh dropped the ball. Or should I say hammer? I think Chris Hemsworth is perfect for the role but after that (again in my eyes) the perfection goes rapidly downhill.
The film feels like a chore to watch after 15 or so minutes, which is hardly a good sign and I cant exactly put my finger on what is that doesn't do it for me. Well okay heres two: it lacked the 'oomph' the other superhero films of late have had (and had in abundance). Another part of it is my fellow countryman Anthony Hopkins. Wonderful actor, enjoy his work greatly but seeing him in a superhero movie is strange. Why this should be I have no idea, and yet there it is. On the plus side I can see Thor coming good in forthcoming The Avengers flick, and of course there is Thor 2 due in 2013. My thorn may yet be plucked out.