I Am The Swag
A scene in the recent Dredd movie really captured what it was that made me a fan of Judge Dredd (and 2000AD) way back in 1988:
Anderson: Sir, he's thinking of making a move for your weapon.
Judge Dredd: Yeah.
Anderson: He's changed his mind.
Judge Dredd: Yeah.
Its PURE Joe Dredd, the kind of lawman you'd expect if Dirty Harry and Robocop had a lovechild (look its weird I know but an accurate description.) Dredd takes no prisoners in 2000AD, he is a no nonsense cop who is as happy dishing out the law as he is bullets.
Now I will happily admit to being a fan of the 1995 Stallone movie Judge Dredd, but this new Dredd amps it up anothrer notch, albeit in a different direction. Gone are the over the top characters like Mean Machine, but fret not because it loses none of its violence. Here be bullet orgies and loud guns. Director Pete Travis has gone for a more 'real' vision of Mega-City One and it almost looks like any US city, it certainly isn't the sprawling Mega-City that we're used to with the comics and Stallone film with 50ft high neon ads and busy traffic jams packed with flying cars.
Dredd reminds me of Robocop and this is a good thing. It has the same futuristic-but-not-quite buzz about it. Familiar-but-something-more is how id describe the city. Oh and dont expect huge gold shoulder pads on the Judges or Lawmasters built like monster trucks either because in keeping with the realism things are kept pretty sober. Urban does a good job of being Judge Dredd as does Lena Heady in her role as the movies villain, Ma-Ma. (And she's still hot despite the heavy scarring.)
You can check out Ma-Ma's back story here:
To sum it up, Dredd is a brilliant movie and I hope there are more on the way. It would be fitting Justice to the galaxy's favourite Lawman.
This isn't a review but if it was id easily drop it a 5/5 Star rating. A must see.
Judge Dredd: "Inhabitants of Peach Trees, this is Judge Dredd."
Ma-Ma: "Let him talk."
Judge Dredd: "Just in case you've forgotten, this block operates under the same rules as the rest of the city. Ma-Ma is not the law. I am the law."